STM32F103C8T7 Developer Board STM32F103C8T7 Developer Board5V power, the system utilizes SWD for program downloading and includes built-in LED indicators and onboard buttons. Schematic PCB AssemblingPCB Apply solder paste and plac 2023-07-01 project #schematic #pcb #stm32
ESP32C3 Board ESP32C3 Bluetooth WiFi Microcontroller Board5V power supply with CH340 USB to serial chip. Schematic 2023-03-15 project #esp32 #schematic #pcb
In-Game Autonomous Driving Based on CNN InspirationAutonomous driving is one of the hottest fields these days. However, learners/beginners may find it difficult to explore it and try out because it needs a modified real car. So why n 2022-01-20 project #tensorflow #machine learning
Ambilight Monitor A cool design as the background lights change with the content of the monitor and makes the audience feel more immersed. 2021-11-03 project #rgb #arduino #led
Custom Corsair Lightning A custom lighting solution co-works with Corsair iCue. 2021-09-10 project #corsair #rgb #arduino
ROS car In Progress… Final look Desktop Control CodeGhckodak/rcar: A ROS impletion ( 2021-09-01 project #arduino #python #ros #raspberry pi
Lidar System Device OverviewThe Time of Flight sensor is the core part of this system, it collects the distance data by taking a 360 degree measurement. The ToF is assembled on the slip ring which allows the ToF r 2020-04-30 project #microcontroller #lidar #python #stepper motor
OneDrive Auto Synchronize I found this useful project on Github. OneDrive Free Client. It is basically an OneDrive client for Linux. 2021-03-01 technical #ubuntu #onedrive
Ubuntu20.04 remote desktop connection Remote control the Ubuntu desktop. 2021-02-12 technical #ubuntu